Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Lunchtime Sketch #2

6 x 8
oil on board
Another in a series of quick sketches done on the Dreamworks lot at lunchtime.


PleinEric said...

Love the greys... nice color!

william wray said...

nice abstract quality-

Robogabo said...

Nice arrangement of temperatures
looks very good !

Anonymous said...

You capture so much with such economy. Look forward to meeting you at DreamWorks!

Steve Atkinson said...

Nice Job James ( Like Always), Love how you simplify simplify simplify. Been an admirer of your work for a while now and I learned about you through W. Wray. If it's OK with you, I'd like to add a link to you through my blogspot, to help people find you.
Steve Atkinson

Paintopolis said...

Thanks for the kind words everyone! No problem linking my blog Steve. I'll take all the help I can get.:) Beautiful work by the way. Good luck with Trailside its a great gallery. I need to get a gallery someday! -James